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So I've been in a really, really, really shitty mood lately. Today I did crack half a smile though.

Me and a few of my iphoning friends have just discovered the emoji keyboard app. It allows you to text and email little cartoons, symbols and emoticons (as if the picture, and for some video/audio texting capabilities on the iphone just weren't enough). This app was $1 and I didn't hesitate to buy it because I had $1.14 left on an old itunes gift card and I didn't know what to do with it.

Apparently the emoji emoticons are a big hit with texters in Japan. After I downloaded the so called "app" i learned that it really wasn't an app at all. In fact all it did was enable the emoji keyboard in my phone, something that is already on everyone's iphone, but its' use is disabled in the US. Earlier this year Apple pulled any apps that were related to emoji from the apple store including Emotifun and iEmoji. They also rejected any new apps related to emoji in the review process.

But then they changed their minds.

And now I am using it. It only works from iphone to iphone (or ipod touch), so my blackberry friends and other phone friends can't see my cartoons. :( But they're pretty funny.

One Comment

  1. I love your Emoji texts after AC. lol.

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